Steam Trains in Japan – SL Taiju

SL Taiju C11-207

Steam Locomotives in the Nikko area

To attract more passengers, particularly tourists, to its services, Tobu Railway started operating its SL Taiju Steam Train service in August 2017. The train runs in the Nikko area of Tochigi Pref, with its main runs being between Shimo-Imaichi and Kinugawa Onsen (12.4km) with some runs between Shimo-Imaichi and Tobu Nikko (7.1km).

Although relatively short runs compared to some other SL trips that operate in Japan, Tobu has put a lot of effort into this service, making it worthwhile for both tourists and rail enthusiasts visiting the Nikko area to travel on it.

Tobu has 3 C11 steam locomotives, two DE10 Diesels…

Tobu started the service with just one C11 series (C11-207) leased from JR Hokkaido and one DE10 (DE10-1099) Diesel Locomotive acquired from JR East.

Tobu now has three such steam locomotives in its fleet – the most recent one being C11-123, which saw life on several private freight railways in Hokkaido and after retirement was statically preserved, before Tobu engineers and apprentices restored it to full working order.

The other C11 steam locomotive is C11-325, which was transferred from Moka Railway in 2020 where previous to that it has been operated by JR East and JNR before privatization.

Tobu also acquired a second DE10 Diesel locomotive, this time from JR East (DE10-1109).

This locomotive has been painted into the blue Hokutosei sleeper train livery (although in reality JR Hokkaido DD51 locomotives were used). (Picture Tobu Tetsudo)

(the Diesel locomotives as well as being used for shunting work are used to operate “DL Taiju” services particularly on trains from Tobu Nikko where the SL cannot be turned) back to Shimo-Imaichi)

Tobu has two interesting brake vans…

You will see in the video and pictures that a brake van is attached to the locomotive (ヨ8000). Tobu has two such cars, one obtained from JR Freight the other from JR West. In Japan the use of brake vans is not so common, and when they are used they are usually at the back of the train.

Tobu’s two brake vans, however, run next to the locomotive and are fitted with the ATS equipment (Automatic Train Stop) to allow the train to run on Tobu’s main lines.

and for passengers, old blue train carriages…

Tobu has 7 blue train carriages acquired from JR Shikoku and JR Hokkaido.

This includes オハ(“oha”) 14-505 “Dream Car” which has an open platform near the end of the car.

Engine house with turntable at Shimo-Imaichi and turntable at Kinugawa Onsen…

To add to the SL experience, Tobu built a three line semi circular engine house with turntable in front at Shimo-Imaichi where passengers can see the SLs being turned and in the engine shed (you cannot normally enter the engine house).

At Kinugawa Onsen the turntable has been constructed in front of the station where you can get a good view of the SL approaching, being turned and leaving.

Travel Information

Attendants in Yukata waiting to greet passengers

SL Taiju runs most weekends and holidays. More information onrunning dates can be found on Tobu’s dedicated SL Taiju website (it should be noted that on some days diesel hauled services are sl-taiju)

Limited Express to Nikko area…

Shimo-Imaichi, Kinugawa-Onsen & Tobu Nikko can be reached by limited express and ordinary trains from Tokyo. Limited Express Spacia and Limited Express Revaty in around 2 hours from Asakusa / Kita Senju or by JR / Tobu jointly operated from Shinjuku

JR Rail Pass holders can travel to Nikko (JR Station which is close to Tobu Nikko Station) via Utsunomiya and holders of the JR East Tokyo Wide Pass can use it on the JR / Tobu Limited Express. JR Passes however are not valid on Tobu services including SL Taiju or Limited Express services to Kita Senju and Asakusa.

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