TS Japan Rail Rail Enthusiast Updates – Japan Rail Scene and TSJR News
Welcome to our first Japan Rail Scene & TSJR News. This will be a regular feature going forward. We will highlight Japan Railway News that we think is of interest to International rail fans. We will also keep you updated on any news from TS Japan Rail.
Relaunch of our Railfan website
The big news for us is the relaunch of our website dedicated to rail enthusiasts – railfan.tsjapanrail.net. Following the redesign of our main website earlier this year we decided to redesign this site to make both easier to use, more appealing and also to be able to provide more ideas for rail enthusiasts thinking of or planning to Explore Japan’s Railways.
Please take a look around the site. We will update features on a regular basis and also publish articles of interest to rail enthusiasts. You will also find interesting articles on Japan Railways on our main site as well as information on TS Japan Rail’s services and how we can help you make the most out of your trip to Japan www.tsjapanrail.com
…and lastly on this subject, a big thank you to our Chief Website Designer & Builder, and I am sure she was not expecting this, also becoming an expert on Japan railways!
Japan Rail Fan Club announce winners of this year’s Blue Ribbon and Laurel Award Prizes
The Japan Rail Fan Club (鉄道友の会 JRFC) the leading association of rail enthusiasts in Japan has announced the winners of this year’s industry prestigious Blue Ribbon and Laurel Award for the best new trains introduced during the previous year.
The prizes are determined firstly by a panel of experts who draw up a short list and then members of the JRFC vote on the short list selection.
Blue Ribbon
This year the Blue Ribbon Prize went to Tobu Railways Spacia X (N100系) Limited Express Train. This train is a more luxury successor to the Spacia Limited Express which has been in service for nearly 35 years and won the Blue Ribbon award in 1991.

Laurel Award

Utsunomiya Light Rail HU300系 trams built specially for the Utsunomiya
Light Rail which opened in August 2023 won one of this years Laurel Awards.
The Utsunomiya Light Rail runs between Utsunomiya and
Haga Town in tochigi Prefecture. So far it is meeting and exceeding passenger numberz
Osaka Metro’s new 400系 trains that operate on Osaka Metro’s
Chuo Line won the other Laurel Award. This train was designed
with the 2025 Expo Osaka in mind. The distinctive can front of
the train is meant to evoke a spaceship and a
” route into the future”

These awards taken seriously in the Japan rail industry…
Despite its name the JRFC as well as having many individual members (the TSJR President is a member) it also has a long list of rail companies, railway equipment and train manufacturers as well as other organisations associated with Japan railways as members. Award ceremonies are held for winners, with the rail company executives in attendance and winning trains carry an internal plaque commemorating the award.
Japan Rail Fan Club award descriptions (Japanese)
C57-1 returns to Yamaguchi after long repairs, All SL Yamaguchi services to be operated by Steam Locomotives (C57-1)
Good news that many rail enthusiasts in Japan were not expecting…C57-1 which had been out of service since 2020 following a breakdown on the 10th October of that year. After going extensive repairs at JR West’s Umekoji works it has finally returned to operate the SL Yamaguchi service. It is expected that all SL services will be operated by C57-1 instead of the mixture of D51-400 and DL DD51 providing motive power.

A very popular ticket with local rail fans, and now that the JR Rail Passes are much more expensive could be a good alternative for international rail fans who want to travel by ordinary trains…
Available during college holidays (December~early January; March~early April; Late July~early September), and despite the name (Youth 18 ticket) is available for all ages.
It can be used on all JR local and ordinary rapid trains, but not Limited Express and Shinkansen trains. A good feature of this ticket is that it is valid for 5 NON CONSECUTIVE days….and only costs Y12,050. The ticket can also be used by 5 people for one day or any combination.
The 2024 summer ticket is available from 10th July and can be used between 20th July and 10th September 2024.

As the ticket is valid for 5 non consecutive days, one way to get the most out of the ticket is to use shinkansen and Limited Express to travel between areas and the Seishun 18 kippu to explore those areas. Or you can travel a long distance by local trains and return by shinkansen or Limited Express. Here is one idea: Chugoku & Kita Kyushu
Last JNR Limited Train sets retired and replaced by a big upgrade in passenger accomodation. Limited Express Yakumo 381 series
In the March 2024 timetable, JR West’s new 273 series Limited Express Yakumo units were introduced on the Okayama~Yonago~Matsue~Izumoshi service debuted, replacing the last JNR era Limited Express units which were finally retired on the 15th June. The 273 series brings a big upgrade to the passenger facilities on this service.
For many foreign visitors, including rail enthusiasts, the Chugoku region is very much under explored and has a lot to offer for rail enthusiasts with a variety of rolling stock and interesting lines to travel on.
It does however require a lot of planning, which is where TS Japan Rail can help you!