Trams in Japan…experience both the old and modern…

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Every rail enthusiast should includes Trams in Japan in their itinerary and visit at least one tram or light rail system to see a different aspect of Japan railways!

18 cities have tram systems...

In the early 1900s many cities and towns throughout Japan had tram systems, but like many places around the world cars and buses (and of course heavy rail networks) took the place of the trams in most cities. Today 18 cities have tram networks and in many of these cities the tram is a major part of the public transport system.

Iyo Tetsudo Trams at Matsuyamashi Station
CityOperatorGauge (mm)No of LinesRoute kmNo of trams (April 2023)
Fukui 福井市Fukui Tetsudō 福井鉄道106712.816 (+2 Echizen Tetsudo units)
Hakodate 函館市Hakodate-shi 函館市1372410.932
Osaka 大阪市 & Sakai 堺市Hankai Denki Kidō 阪堺電気軌道1435218.335
Hiroshima 広島市Hiroshima Dentetsu 広島電鉄1435619134
Matsuyama 松山市Iyo Tetsudō 伊予鉄道106766.938
Kagoshima 鹿児島市Kagoshima-shi 鹿児島市1435412.658
Kyoto 京都市Keifuku Denki Tetsudō 京福電気鉄道143513.827
Kumamoto 熊本市Kumamoto-shi 熊本市1435512.145
Takeoka 高岡市Man'yōsen 万葉線1067212.811
Nagasaki 長崎市Nagasaki Denki Kidō 長崎電気軌道1435511.571
Okayama 岡山市Okayama Denki Kidō 岡山電気軌道106724.725
Sapporo 札幌市Sapporo Transportation Service Promotion Corporation. 札幌市交通事業振興公社106748.936
Tokyo-to 東京都(世田谷区)Tōkyō Kyūkō Dentetsu (Tōkyū) 東京急行電鉄(東急)13721510
Tokyo-to 東京都(荒川区、北区、豊島区、新宿区)Tōkyō-to 東京都1372112.233
Kochi 高知市Tosa Denki Tetsudō 土佐電気鉄道1067314.162
Toyama富山市Toyama Chihō Tetsudō 富山地方鉄道106767.630
Toyohashi 豊橋市Toyohashi Tetsudō 豊橋鉄道106725.416
Utsunomiya 宇都宮市 Haga Town 芳賀町Utsunomiya Light Rail 宇都宮ライトレール1067114.517 (Aug 2023)

A variety of old and modern trams can be seen...

  1. For consistency, articulated and multi-car trams are counted as 1 unit
  2. Fukui Tetsudo Fukubu Line is mostly heavy rail but for a short section is light rail, however low floor trams are used throughout. Some through services operate with Echizen Tetsudo who have 2 trams units (L series)
  3. Hiroshima Dentetsu (Hiroden) also operates a heavy rail line with trams operating to / from central Hiroshima via Hiroden Nishi Hiroshima through to Miyajimaguchi
Modern (7000 series) and less modern (9500 series)trams at Kagoshima Eki Mae 2017

Most tram networks in Japan have
both modern and old trams in service.

Old, but still in service, trams at Hiroden's depot (Hiroshima)
Old, but still in service, trams at Hiroden's depot (Hiroshima)
Trams in Japan - Hiroden (Hiroshima) Modern low floor 1000 series at Hiroshima Minato
Hiroden (Hiroshima) Modern low floor 1000 series at Hiroshima Minato

Newest tram network debuted in August 2023...

The newest tram network in Japan is the Utsunomiya Light Rail system that started public service on 26th August 2023. The 14.5km route links the main JR railway station to the industrial park areas of Utsunomiya and nearby Haga Town in the norther of the Kanto region.

See our article on Utsunomiya Light Rail (redirects to our main  site)  Click Here

Fukui Tetsudo Tram 880_Shinmei
Utsunomiya Light Rail H300 series tram.
Utsunomiya Light Rail H300 series tram.

Interesting tram networks
in Japan

FukuiThe tram in Fukui city is very short (0.6km) and actually part of the Fukui Tetsudo Fukubu Line. Tram cars only are used throughout the Fukubu Line. There are some through services to the Echizen Mikuni-Awara Line, and Echizen has two low floor tram units for this service
Sapporo & HakodateAs both cities have a lot of snow, one feature of both cities tram networks are the snow clearing trams.
TokyoBoth the remaing TOEI Arakawa Line and Tokyu Setagaya Line are the only remaining parts of what were large trams networks in Tokyo.
ToyamaToyama use to have two tram networks; the original city trams and a one line Toyama Light Railway Toyamako Line, which uses part of the old JR Toyamaki Line. Both the Toyama city Tram and the Toyama light railway were joined and through services started in March 2020, operated by the single Toyama chiho Tetsudo who operated the city tram network.
TakaokaTakaoka Manyosen Tram oprates a specail Doraemon (anime character) tram.
OsakaOsaka is another city which had an extensive tram network. today only the Hankai Tram which operates in the southern part of Osaka linking Sakai city remains. One of the northern terminals Ebisucho has a very distinctive old style station. Currently under renovation to be preserved. (A new tram stop teminal was build just short of the old station).
OkayamaOkayama Shiden has a special Chuggington Tram, based on the UK childrens anime character. This train runs special services, primarily for children (adults must be accompanied) which need to be booked in advance.
NagasakiNagasaki has a fairly extensive tram network, and like Hiroshima it is the main rail public transport in the city.
HiroshimaHiroshima has the largest tram network, covering 19km and more than 130 tram cars / units. the trams are operated by Hiroshima Electric Railway (“Hiroden”) with trams also operating on heavy rail link between Hiroden Nishi Hiroshima and Miyajimaguchi, popular with tourists.
Kumamoto & KagoshimaBoth Kumamoto and Kagoshima have tram networks, and both have modern tram depots. Kagoshima has a tram museum situated next to the tram depot.
YokohamaAlthough trams have long disappeared from the streets of Yokohama, it does have a tram museum situated nexted to the Yokohama Negishi Bus Depot.
UtsunomiyaUtsunomiya Light Rail started service on 26th August 2023, the first wholly new tram / light rail system in Japan in 70 years.

And many tram systems have some special trains

Okayama Shiden has its Chuggington Tram, based on the UK children’s television series. (note to travel on this trade you need to book in advance. It is not used for general services) for more info

Okayama Shiden Chugginton train

Takaoka has its Doraemon tram; many have retro trams (and some have genuinely heritage trams).

For those travelling in a group, why not consider hiring a tram for a party! (TSJR can help arrange).

Even Tokyo and Osaka have remnants of once extensive tram networks...

Tokyo has two trams lines, although one, Tokyu’s Setagaya Line, now only operates on its own dedicated track bed with no running; and the Tokyo Metropolitan Governments (TOEI) Arakawa Line, (known locally as “Toden” and branded Sakura Line) which is a 12.2km line, although only a small part now operates on roadway.

Osaka has the Hankai Tram that links the southern part of Osaka City and Sakai City.

Tokyo Toden Arakawa Line retro 9000 series tram
Tokyo Toden Arakawa Line retro 9000 series tram
Hankai Tram (Osaka) 500 series
Hankai Tram (Osaka) 500 series

Trams in Japan info...find out more...

For more information on Japan Trams please download our Trams in Japan fact sheet, which also includes links to the various operators websites (unfortunately many are Japanese)

TS Japan Rail - The Japan Rail Experts

If you are planning to Explore Japan’s Railways or want to explore Japan by Train TS Japan Rail is here to help you. We can help you plan your trip so that you can experience the many aspects of Japan’s railways and travel on some interest trains.


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